General Info
All full-time students are automatically included in the plan. The fees are paid with tuition. For all part-time students who wish to be included in the health plan, you must opt-in before the deadline.
For all full time students who register late, please contact the GSA to make sure you are activated on the Green Shield health plan.
For coverage information, claim forms, and a printable coverage card visit: The Green Shield Student Centre
- All forms for reimbursement are available on the Green Shield Student Centre
- Use the Dental Form for dental services only
- Use the General Form for everything else, including medication, vision, and professional services
- All forms must be mailed to Green Shield with all original receipts. The addresses can be found at the bottom of the form.
- You are always welcome to stop by the GSA Office. We are happy to help you fill out the form and mail it out for you.
Black Out Period
- Each academic year, we experience a blackout period whereby all new students will not be able to access their benefits from September to about late October. This is because we must wait to receive the list of students who paid into the health plan from Student Fees before we can confirm your payment with Green Shield.
- The benefits are retroactive to September 1st, meaning that once the blackout period is lifted, you can submit any receipts you might have accumulated from September 1st and onward to Green Shield for reimbursement.
- The black out period does not affect returning students.
For information about online services please consults the following files.
For any remaining questions or concerns, please contact the GSA.
Part-Time and Dependent Opt-Ins
All part-time graduate students have the option to opt-in to the GSA health plan. Both full-time and part-time students can also opt-in their spouses and children. Opt-ins are done at the beginning of the academic year. Generally speaking, the opt-in period runs from the first day of classes in September until mid-October. The exact dates will be made available prior to the first day of classes.
In order to opt-in, students must fill out an opt-in form, which will be made available before each opt-in period. The form must be submitted to the GSA before the opt-in deadline with payment. Prices for the health plan are negotiated each year and will be confirmed before the new academic year.
All full time graduate students are automatically included in the health plan. For information on how to opt-out, please visit the Opt-Out Page.
Opt-Outs for Full Time Students
All full-time students are automatically included in the health plan. The fees are paid with tuition. Students who have similar coverage elsewhere can opt-out of the GSA health plan. The opt-outs are done at the beginning of each academic year from the first day of classes in September to mid-October. The dates will be confirmed before the start of the opt-out period. All opt-out requests must be submitted before the deadline. No opt-out requests will be accepted after the deadline.
All opt-outs are done online at https://onlineservices.greenshield.ca/StudentOptOut/Home.aspx?cl=43102&edu=32024.
One you choose the Laurentian University Graduate Students’ Association in the drop down menu, you will find the option to opt-out under the ‘what you need’ tab. Proof of comparable coverage is required to opt-out.